Central Divisions

Central Divisions

Regional Divisions

Regional Divisions

Luxembourg Court of Appeal

Luxembourg Court of Appeal

Local Divisions

Local Divisions

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Local Division
LD Helsinki, February 11, 2025, procedural order regarding changes in a case, UPC_CFI_214/2013

The main issues to be considered when addressing the admissibility of changes in a case are that the…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Local Division
LD Milan, February 7, 2025, procedural order, UPC_CFI_472/2024

The position of the party attacking the patent shall be protected to the same extent as that of the…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Local Division
LD Munich, February 12, 2025, Procedural Order, UPC_CFI_714/2024

LD Munich competent to hear an infringement action, although appeal before the Court of Appeal is…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Luxembourg Court of Appeal
Court of Appeal, February 12, 2025, Order concerning representation, UPC_CoA_634/2024, UPC_CoA_635/2024, UPC_CoA_636/2024

Lawyers and European Patent Attorneys are not exempted from the duty to be represented if they…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Luxembourg Court of Appeal
CoA, February 12, 2025, order for the protection of confidential information UPC_CoA_621/2024

Pursuant to R. 262A.6 RoP the number of persons to whom access is restricted shall be no greater…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Luxembourg Court of Appeal
Court of Appeal, February 11, 2025, Appeal of a Panel Review Order regarding right to represent, UPC_CoA_563/2024, APL_53716/2024

Representation of parties in proceedings before the UPC, Art. 48 UPCA: No corporate representative…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Local Division
LD Mannheim, January 31, 2025, Decision of first instance (Infringement Proceedings and Counterclaim for Revocation), UPC_CFI_340/2023

In view of the lack of patentability, the admissible infringement action is unfounded without the…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Local Division
LD Munich, February 5, 2025, Decision re. Preliminary Objection, UPC_CFI_740/2024

A Preliminary objection can also be raised with regard to a counterclaim for revocation.: Although…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Local Division
LD Paris, February 5, 2025, order concerning further exchanges of written pleadings (R. 36 RoP), UPC_CFI_163/2024

Three sucessive stages of the written procedure in infringement actions: The Rules of Procedure…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Central Division
CD Paris, January 21, 2025, decision on validity, UPC_CFI_311/2023

A revocation claimant must present all grounds of invalidity with the Statement of Claim: In…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Central Division
CD Paris, January 17, 2025, decision in first instance on validity, UPC_CFI_316/2023

“Generous standard” with regard to late-filed facts and evidence: While the front-loaded approach of…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Local Division
LD Munich, January 23, 2025, order regarding cost and confidentiality, UPC_CFI_815/2024

Restrictions on confidential information apply to third parties and the public: The Court referred…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Local Division
LD Mannheim, January 22, 2025, procedural order in infringement action, UPC_CFI_365/2023

Document submission one week before the hearing: The hearing dates are confirmed for three…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Regional Division
RD Nordic-Baltic, January 21, 2025, procedural order on costs for access to pleadings and evidence, UPC_CFI_380/2023

Key takeaway A member of the public does not bear the costs of a request for access to written…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Central Division
CD Paris, September 16, 2024, decision by default in revocation action, UPC_CFI_412/2023

Requirements of a decision by default: Pursuant to Rule 355 RoP a decision by default against the…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Local Division
LD Munich, January 10, 2025, order in cost reimbursment procedure, UPC_CFI_249/2023

No interest is added to reimbursable costs of procedures and disbursements in cost reimbursment…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Local Division
LD Vienna, January 15, 2025, order in first instance on infringement, UPC_CFI_33/2024

No action for revocation despite objection of nullity: If the allegation is made in the proceedings…

UPC Decision
UPC Decision on
Local Division
LD Munich, January 13, 2025, revised order on auxiliary requests, UPC_CFI_298/2023

The number of 55 auxiliary requests can be reasonable: Upon panel review the court views the number…