A revocation claimant must present all grounds of invalidity with the Statement of Claim: In…
“Generous standard” with regard to late-filed facts and evidence: While the front-loaded approach of…
Restrictions on confidential information apply to third parties and the public: The Court referred…
Document submission one week before the hearing: The hearing dates are confirmed for three…
Key takeaway A member of the public does not bear the costs of a request for access to written…
Requirements of a decision by default: Pursuant to Rule 355 RoP a decision by default against the…
No interest is added to reimbursable costs of procedures and disbursements in cost reimbursment…
No action for revocation despite objection of nullity: If the allegation is made in the proceedings…
The number of 55 auxiliary requests can be reasonable: Upon panel review the court views the number…
The court may set deadlines to await an upcoming appeals decision of the EPO: The coordination…
No need to adjudiacte also when appeal has become devoid of purpose: R.360 RoP applies not only when…
Withdrawal of the action during appeal proceedings possible: After the first instance infringement…
Order on security is case management and open for panel review (R. 333 RoP): Judge-rapporteur can…
Criteria for intervention (Rule 313 RoP): An intervener must demonstrate a legally qualified…
Public has a right to access court records: This right is enshrined in Rule 262.1(b) RoP and…
Timing and grounds of an intervention (Rule 313 RoP): An application to intervene may be lodged at…
Unconditional right to limit claims for damages (R. 263.3 RoP): An unconditional application to…
Modification instead of additional request: Requests for increased security for costs are treated as…