50% of ceiling of recoverable costs as security during written proccedings: The Respondent is a…
High threshold for intervention in interim injunction proceedings: The Court rejected the request…
Patent pool administrators have a direct legal interest in litigations concerning patents within…
US-based NPE has to provide security: The Claimant is a non-practicing entity with no operational…
Deadlines when Confidential Information are included: This decision clarifies that the deadline for…
This decision highlights the importance of ensuring representatives before the UPC are independent,…
High threshold for “manifestly inadmissible” under Rule 361 RoP: The Court held that “manifest…
Application of Articles 29 to 32 of the Brussels I recast Regulation concerning lis pendens: The CoA…
Requirements for a “reasoned request” for access under Rule 262.1(b) RoP: The UPC clarified that a…
Background and first instance decision: This decision relates to an appeal regarding a decision on…
Public access to file – general principles: As found by the Court of Appeal (see order of 10 April…
Background: A common situation in patent litigation is that a patent has (allegedly) been assigned…
Both, claimant and defendant can rely on R. 190.1 RoP to request an order to produce evidence.: In…
Amendments to counterclaims are permissible even after the initial pleadings have been filed: The…
Application to get access to written pleadings and evidence granted (R. 262.1(b) RoP), but limited…
Criteria for the decision under Article 49(5) UPCA: Unlike Art. 49(4) UPCA, Art. 49(5) UPCA does not…
Late filed requests and duty to provide evidence: The Court of Appeal may decide to disregard late…
Extension of time period pursuant to R. 9.3(a) RoP in “exceptional cases” : An extension of the time…