
慕尼黑不仅是世界上最适宜居住的城市之一,还是德国和欧洲的“专利之都”。例如欧洲专利局 (EPO)、德国专利商标局和德国联邦专利法院等所有相关办事处和法院,都位于我们公司总部附近。

目前,超过 200 名员工就职于位于慕尼黑博根豪森自治市镇 Prinzregentenplatz 7 号的 BARDEHLE PAGENBERG 代表处。办事处紧邻历史悠久的摄政王剧院(Prince Regent Theatre)、金色和平天使(Friedensengel)以及美丽的伊萨尔河。在天气晴朗的日子里,您甚至可以从我们现代大型会议室、会议室和休息室所处的顶层看到阿尔卑斯山脉。

Partnerschaft mbB

Prinzregentenplatz 7
81675 Munich(慕尼黑)

电话: +49 211 478 13-0
传真:+49 89 928 05-444
电邮: info(at)bardehle.de


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Would you like to join our team? Then send us your application and let’s see if we are right for one another.



as soon as possible

German Patent Attorney (m/f)

We are looking for a highly motivated German Patent Attorney (m/f) for providing competent and extensive advice for our international top clients in the technical areas of IT, telecommunication and Electical Engineering.



公司新闻 于
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG promotes new equity partners, partners, and counsel

At the beginning of the new year, there is again movement on the career ladder in the team of patent…

公司新闻 于
Hamburg, Munich
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG team is growing by another six attorneys-at-law and patent attorneys

The growth of the BARDEHLE PAGENBERG team remains unabated in the second half of 2024. Both…

公司新闻 于
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG continues to expand its team with experienced specialists

BARDEHLE PAGENBERG is strengthening its team with further notable new hires in the first half of…

公司新闻 于
Hamburg, Munich, Düsseldorf
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG continues to grow as new attorneys-at-law and patent attorneys join their strong team

The growth trend at BARDEHLE PAGENBERG steadily continues. The joint legal and technical team has…

UPC News
公司新闻 于
UPC News, Munich, 专利诉讼, 化学、制药和生命科学
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG successfully enforces two decisions for 10x Genomics against NanoString, winning one of the first UPC penalty payment decisions

On December 5, 2023, the Unified Patent Court, Local Division Munich, ordered NanoString to pay a…

UPC News
公司新闻 于
UPC News, Munich, 专利诉讼, 专利申请, 化学、制药和生命科学
AAS/EIs available at Munich Local Division of the UPC

On October 5, 2023, BARDEHLE PAGENBERG requested – on behalf of their client 10x Genomics – the…

公司新闻 于
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG continues growth at Munich office, hiring Carolin Thurner and Dr. Wolfgang Flasche

The trend of growth at BARDEHLE PAGENBERG steadily continues towards the end of this year: The firm…

UPC News
知识产权新闻 于
UPC News, Munich, 专利诉讼, 异议和无效性, 化学、制药和生命科学
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG represents 10x Genomics in first UPC preliminary injunction hearing against NanoString

On September 5 and 6, the first preliminary injunction hearing before the Unified Patent Court,…

公司新闻 于
Munich, 专利申请
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG continues growth of its patent prosecution practice, hiring Korean patent expert Siho Chang

BARDEHLE PAGENBERG further grew its team by hiring Siho Chang, an experienced European patent…