Marius Fischer

Dr. jur. (Ph.D. in Law), M.Sc. (Physics)

In addition to drafting patent applications and assisting our clients in examination proceedings before the European Patent Office and the German Patent and Trademark Office, Marius Fischer frequently handles opposition, appeal, and nullity proceedings as well as infringement issues.

Marius Fischer can draw on extensive technical know-how gained during his studies of physics and his time as a developer at a successful Munich-based start-up on the one hand, and on profound knowledge of patent law acquired during his doctorate and his professional work in this very field on the other. As Head of IP at said start-up, he also learned what really makes for great advice from a client’s point of view, and he leverages this knowledge to always offer the best support possible, whatever the issue.

Marius Fischer's technical specializations include electrical engineering, information technology as well as physics in general and telecommunications and semiconductor technology in particular; however, he also often works in the fields of sporting goods and medical technology. Given his studies and doctorate, he is well versed in nanotechnology, too.

German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative, Senior Associate

オフィス: Munich

言語: German, English, French, Spanish

+49 89 928 05-0




I’m an enthusiast for both law and technology. Therefore, I turned to patent law early, completing a Ph.D. in this field while setting up IP management structures at a successful tech start-up. This experience helps me assess each case  from every angle, especially that of our clients.



Marius Fischer is the author of several publications on patent law, particularly concerning its application to, and effects on, the nanotechnology space. This includes, amongst others, his doctoral thesis as well as a contribution to a study commissioned by the European Commission:

Upstream-Patente in der Nanotechnologie. Ein Vergleich zwischen Europa und den USA“ (“Upstream-Patents in Nanotechnology. A Comparison between Europe and the US”) (GWR - Schriftenreihe zum gewerblichen Rechtsschutz), Carl Heymanns, Cologne, Germany, 2019

“Nanomedicines”, in: Roberto Romandini, Reto Hilty, Annette Kur (ed.), MPI Study on SPCs, Munich, Germany, 2018, p. 427 et seqq. (on behalf of the European Commission)


Marius Fischer is a member of the German Physical Society (DPG) and of the Alumni Association of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition.


Senior Associate at BARDEHLE PAGENBERG in Munich, Germany


Registration as a Representative before the UPC


Licensed to practice as European Patent Attorney


Admitted to the German Bar of Patent Attorneys


Patent Attorney at BARDEHLE PAGENBERG, Munich, Germany

2020 - 2021

Terms at the District Court of Düsseldorf, Germany, as well as at the German Patent and Trademark Office and the German Federal Patent Court, Munich, Germany

2018 - 2021

Patent Engineer and Trainee Patent Attorney at BARDEHLE PAGENBERG, Munich, Germany

2018 - 2020

Studies of Law for Patent Attorneys at remote-learning university FernUniversität Hagen, Germany

2017 - 2018

Developer and Head of IP at Kinexon GmbH, Munich, Germany


Research stay for Ph.D. studies at the Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre (OIPRC) of the University of Oxford, UK

2015 - 2016

Research stay for Ph.D. studies at Berkeley Law, University of California, Berkeley, USA, on a Fulbright scholarship

2014 - 2017

Ph.D. studies in Law (Dr. jur.) at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich, Germany, and the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition concerning “Upstream-Patents in Nanotechnology. A Comparison between Europe and the US” on scholarships of the German National Academic Foundation and the Max Planck Institute (awarded “summa cum laude” and the Faculty Prize)

2013 - 2014

Research stay for master’s studies concerning theoretical nanophysics at Northeastern University, Boston, USA

2012 - 2014

Studies of Physics (M.Sc.) at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich, Germany, on scholarships of the German National Academic Foundation and the Max-Weber Program as part of the Elite Network of Bavaria

2011 - 2012

Semester abroad at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, on a scholarship of the ERASMUS Program

2009 - 2012

Studies of Physics (B.Sc.) at RWTH Aachen University, Germany, on a scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation and as member of the Dean’s List