


長年にわたって、BARDEHLE PAGENBERGの弁護士は、意匠法の最前線で業務を行ってきました。私たちは、常に新しい国内および欧州の意匠判例法を収集し、最新情報を維持しています。ここに、私たちの特定分野における法的専門知識が反映されており、この知識を使って私たちはクライアントの利益を代表しています。



Partnerschaft mbB

Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte

Prinzregentenplatz 7
81675 Munich

Tel: +49 89 928 05-0
Fax: +49 89 928 05-444
Eメール: info(at)bardehle.de




の IPニュ-ス
特許プロセキューション, 商標, 意匠, IP レポート
Brexit: Address for service in proceedings before the IP Office of the United Kingdom

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商標, 意匠, IP レポート
Brexit and Trademarks and Designs

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特許訴訟, 商標, 意匠, IP レポート
Procedural right to equality of arms and hearing respondents in preliminary injunction proceedings – German Federal Constitutional Court, decision dated June 3, 2020, case no. 1 BvR 1246/20

With its decision dated June 3, 2020, the German Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) confirms and…

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意匠, スポーツ
Protectability of a design, the representations of which show different embodiments of a product – Federal Court of Justice, decisions of Dec. 20, 2018, docket nos. I ZB 25/18 – Sporthelm [sports helmet] and I ZB 26/18 – Sportbrille [sports glasses]

In two groundbreaking decisions that change the settled case law, the Federal Court of Justice…

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商標, 意匠
"Hard" Brexit? – What happens to EU trademarks and Community designs?

On March 29, 2019, the United Kingdom (UK) will leave the European Union (EU). If this should happen…

の IPニュ-ス
特許訴訟, 商標, 意匠
Preliminary injunction proceedings in Germany: Equality of arms and hearing the respondent

The decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court relate to the involvement of the respondent in…

