


Avocats et Conseils en propriété industrielle

SO Square Opéra
5 rue Boudreau
75009 Paris

Tel: +33 1 53 05 15 00
Fax: +33 1 53 05 15 05
Eメール: info(at)bardehle.fr






as soon as possible

German Patent Attorney (m/f)

We are looking for a highly motivated German Patent Attorney (m/f) for providing competent and extensive advice for our international top clients in the technical areas of IT, telecommunication and Electical Engineering.



の IPニュ-ス
IP レポート, Paris, 異議申立・無効手続, 特許プロセキューション, 商標, 意匠
Free assignment of intellectual property rights in France: be careful!

A recent decision by the Lyon Judicial Court has confirmed a case law with important practical…

の IPニュ-ス
Paris, 特許訴訟, 不当競争防止法
Olympic & Paralympic Games: Paris IP Court is Ready to Play

Mobilization of Paris Intellectual Property Judges during the Olympic & Paralympic Games

の 当事務所のニュ-ス
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG kicks off 2024 with Frédéric Portal as a new partner in Paris

With the arrival of Frédéric Portal as a partner, the Paris office of BARDEHLE PAGENBERG further…

UPC News
の IPニュ-ス
UPC, UPC News, Hamburg, Munich, Düsseldorf, Paris, 特許訴訟, 異議申立・無効手続, 特許プロセキューション
We are front runners at the UPC

… ready to act with a proven track record

の 当事務所のニュ-ス
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG appoints new partner

BARDEHLE PAGENBERG is delighted to announce that Clément Jaffray has been appointed new partner at…

の 当事務所のニュ-ス
New Life Sciences team strengthens Paris office of BARDEHLE PAGENBERG

The Paris office of BARDEHLE PAGENBERG makes strategically significant move and adds life sciences…

の 当事務所のニュ-ス
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG goes "multi-professional" in France

Like its Munich and Duesseldorf offices, the Paris office of BARDEHLE PAGENBERG has become a…

の 当事務所のニュ-ス
商標, 意匠, 著作権, Munich, Düsseldorf, Paris, Barcelona, Verona
Double-awarded by Managing IP as "Firm of the Year" 2019 for Copyright/Design in Germany & "Impact Case of the Year - Nintendo v BigBen"

Managing IP awarded BARDEHLE PAGENBERG as "Firm of the Year" 2019 for Copyright/Design in Germany &…

の 当事務所のニュ-ス
特許訴訟, 特許プロセキューション, 商標, Munich, Düsseldorf, Paris, Barcelona, Verona
Winners of the MIP EMEA Award "Germany Trade Mark Firm of the Year" 2018

Managing IP honored BARDEHLE PAGENBERG as Germany Trade Mark Firm of the Year