



UPC Special

UPC Special

知识产权新闻 于
知识产权报告, 商标, 外观设计, 版权, IP News & Knowledge
The RCD is dead – Long live the EU design!

After a total of ten years of preparation and consultation, the European Union (“EU”) finally…

知识产权新闻 于
知识产权报告, Paris, 异议和无效性, 专利申请, 商标, 外观设计
Free assignment of intellectual property rights in France: be careful!

A recent decision by the Lyon Judicial Court has confirmed a case law with important practical…

知识产权新闻 于
知识产权报告, 商标
Recent decision by the EUIPO Board of Appeal: Sound marks representing the acceleration of a vehicle cannot be registered for vehicles

The EUIPO Board of Appeal has rejected Porsche AG’s application for a sound mark representing the…

知识产权新闻 于
知识产权报告, 反不正当竞争法
The "klimaneutral" decision of the German Federal Court of Justice dated June 27, 2024, and its impact on advertising with climate neutrality

This judgment is one of a series of decisions and the first supreme-court ruling on “climate-neutral…

知识产权新闻 于
知识产权报告, 专利申请
Filing of divisional patent applications after publication of the mention of the grant under the European Patent Convention

Decision J 01/24 of the Legal Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office dated April 16, 2024

知识产权新闻 于
Paris, 专利诉讼, 反不正当竞争法
Olympic & Paralympic Games: Paris IP Court is Ready to Play

Mobilization of Paris Intellectual Property Judges during the Olympic & Paralympic Games

知识产权新闻 于
知识产权报告, 专利诉讼
UPCA not applicable in national infringement proceedings – Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe, judgment dated February 14, 2024, docket no.: 6 U 232/22

Bringing the UPCA into force does not (yet) render obsolete national patent infringement proceedings…

知识产权新闻 于
Streitfälle werden immer komplexer

Der neue Unified Patent Court (UPC) erweist sich als echter Gamechanger, der auch für…

知识产权新闻 于
知识产权报告, 专利诉讼, 异议和无效性, 专利申请
G1/22 and G2/22: Happy Claimants of Priorities and disappointed Opponents

The recent decisions G1/22 and G22 of the Enlarged Board of Appeal (EBoA) of the European Patent…

知识产权新闻 于
知识产权报告, 异议和无效性
Referral G 1/23 (T 438/19): clarification on how to construe G 1/92?

This appeal concerns the decision of the Opposition Division rejecting the opposition against…

UPC News
知识产权新闻 于
UPC News, Munich, 专利诉讼, 异议和无效性, 化学、制药和生命科学
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG represents 10x Genomics in first UPC preliminary injunction hearing against NanoString

On September 5 and 6, the first preliminary injunction hearing before the Unified Patent Court,…

UPC News
知识产权新闻 于
UPC, UPC News, Hamburg, Munich, Düsseldorf, Paris, 专利诉讼, 异议和无效性, 专利申请
We are front runners at the UPC

… ready to act with a proven track record

知识产权新闻 于
知识产权报告, 专利诉讼, 许可与技术转让, 专利申请
Updated IP Report on draft SEP Regulation

A little over a month after the draft of an SEP Regulation of the European Commission was leaked,…

知识产权新闻 于
知识产权报告, 专利诉讼, 许可与技术转让, 专利申请
Leak of Draft Impact Assessment and Draft SEP Regulation

On March 24, 2023, a draft by the European Commission of a Regulation on Standard Essential Patents…

UPC News
知识产权新闻 于
UPC News, 专利诉讼
UPC Protective Brief – why implementers should consider it

Preliminary injunctions (PI) can be ordered without hearing the defendant (ex parte). Learn why…

UPC News
知识产权新闻 于
UPC News, 专利诉讼, 异议和无效性
EPO Opposition and UPC Revocation Action

With the UPC coming into force soon, a new option to attack the validity of a bundle patent will…

UPC News
知识产权新闻 于
UPC News, 专利诉讼, 异议和无效性, 专利申请
Supplementary protection certificates in the system of the Unified Patent Court

Same same but different – Supplementary protection certificates in the system of the Unified Patent…

UPC News
知识产权新闻 于
UPC News, 专利诉讼
Period of limitation under the UPCA

Who has not heard the saying: “Those who are late, will be punished by life itself.”? This phrase,…