Jan Lersch

Dr. jur.

Jan Lersch advises as an attorney-at-law in the areas of unfair competition law, trademark law and design law as well as copyright law. In addition to strategically advising on filing and obtaining trademarks and design rights, his activities also include the enforcement of intellectual property rights.

Before joining BARDEHLE PAGENBERG, Jan Lersch worked years as a research assistant at a chair specializing in intellectual property at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. His research focused on issues of personal liability of board members and managing directors for the infringement of intellectual property rights.

Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt)

Bureau: Munich

Langues: German, English

+49 89 928 05-0


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Intellectual property can make a significant contribution to a company's success. Its protection and enforcement are of enormous importance. Providing our clients with comprehensive advice and support is of equal importance to me.


Haftung von Leitungsorganen im Immaterialgüterrecht (Liability of management bodies in intellectual property law), Intellectual Property Journal, Volume 13 (2021), p. 331

Daten und Informationen als Teil der Insolvenzmasse?, Zeitschrift für Digitalisierung und Recht (Data and Information as Part of the Insolvency Estate?, Journal for Digitization and Law), Jahrgang 2021, S. 175 (co-authored with Dr. Patrick Zurth, LL.M. (Stanford))

Haftung von Leistungsorganen im Immaterialgüterrecht (Liability of management bodies in intellectual property law), Intellectual property and competition law, Volume 161, Tübingen 2021


Dr. Jan Lersch is a member of the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR).


Second State Law Examination (bar admission exam)

2022 - aujourd'hui

Attorney-at-law at BARDEHLE PAGENBERG, Munich

2021 - 2022

Research assistant at BARDEHLE PAGENBERG, Munich

2020 - 2022

Legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Munich 


First State Law Examination (degree-level qualification)

2016 - 2021

Dr. jur. in law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (Thesis on “liability of management bodies in intellectual property law”)

2016 - 2021

Research assistant at the Chair of Private Law and Intellectual Property Law, with Information and IT-Law (GRUR-Chair) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich

2009 - 2016

Studies of Law at the University of Bonn, Germany