Volkmar Henke
Dr. jur. Dipl.-Phys.
Dr. Volkmar Henke is patent litigator and particularly active in the areas of mobile communication, semiconductor technology, circuit design, data compression, particularly video and audio coding, and electrical engineering. He advises large multinationals and SMEs, including patent pools and owners of standard-essential patents, primarily in complex disputes. He also coordinates comprehensive international proceedings which are conducted in parallel in multiple jurisdictions.
Volkmar represents clients in patent infringement proceedings as well as in invalidity, opposition, and revocation proceedings before the various infringement courts, the German Federal Patent Court, the German Federal Court of Justice and the (upcoming) Unitary Patent Court. Due to his comprehensive experience in conducting and coordinating cross-border patent litigation, he is a much sought-after partner for clients acting on the international stage, particularly in FRAND and SEP cases.
Volkmar is one of the rare German trial lawyers who has both a full technical (master’s in physics) and legal qualification.
Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt), Certified IP lawyer, UPC Representative, Partner
Bureau: Hamburg
Langues: German, English, French
+49 40 271 4468-0
A technical mind, legal precision and creativity, a high-level perspective and persuasiveness: With these qualities I passionately fight for our clients, always keeping a sense of proportion.

Dr. Volkmar Henke is a member of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR), and the Hanseatic Bar Association Hamburg.
Art. 64, Vor Art. 142 (Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court), Vor Art. 164-178 in Benkard: Europäisches Patentübereinkommen (Commentary on the European Patent Convention), edited by Jochen Ehlers and Ursula Kinkeldey, 4th edition, 2023;
Volkmar Henke, Is SEP licensing up to standard?, IAM Magazine Roundtable, Issue 90, 2018;
Volkmar Henke, Commentary on judgment by German Federal Court of Justice BGH X ZR 85/14 "Ausgleichszahlung für Nutzung durch Mitinhaber (financial compensation for use by joint proprietors)“, Journal of German Patent Attorneys (Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte), edition 9/2017, p. 420;
Volkmar Henke, Commentary on judgment by German Federal Court of Justice BGH X ZR 43/13 – “Rotorelemente (rotor elements)“ und BGH X ZR 101/13 –„Polymerschaum II (polymer foam II)“, Journal of German Patent Attorneys (Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte), edition 8-9/2015, p. 376;
Volkmar Henke, Der Einfluss der Mitinhaberschaft an Rechten des Geistigen Eigentums auf deren Verwertung (The influence of joint ownership of intellectual property rights on their exploitation) (Q 194), GRUR Int 2007, 503. (Falck et al.);
Volkmar Henke, Interessengemäße Erfindungsverwertung durch mehrere Patentinhaber – „Gummielastische Masse II“ und seine Auswirkungen (Invention exploitation which does justice to the interests of the parties by several patent owners – the judgment “Gummielastische Masse II“and its effects), GRUR 2007, 89;
Volkmar Henke, Die Erfindungsgemeinschaft (joint proprietors), Heymanns, Köln et. al. 2005
Lectures & Seminars
Exploitation rights of co-inventors, Webinar lecture at VPP Association of Intellectual Property Experts), 2021;
Joint Excercise of Intellectual Property Rights, St. Petersburg International Legal Forum, 2019;
Der FRAND-Einwand: Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Deutschland und im Ausland (The FRAND defense: Current developments in Germany and abroad), Presentation at the expert forum Patent- und Prozessrecht (Patent and procedural law), 2012;
Inventorship for multinational inventions involving IP-issues resulting from outsourcing - the European perspective, Invited panel contribution at the AIPPI Forum and Exco 2011 (Workshop 5)
Attorney-at-law and equity partner at BARDEHLE PAGENBERG, founding partner at the Hamburg office
Attorney-at-law at Eisenführ Speiser (partner as of 2013)
Admission to the bar and Ph.D. from the University of Freiburg (summa cum laude)
Studies of Law in Hamburg with a focus on civil procedural law, intellectual property law, and patent law
Assistant Professor at University of Hamburg (Physics)
Studies of Physics and Philosophy in Hamburg and Paris (Université de Paris XI) with a focus on high energy physics and cosmic radiation, master’s degree (Dipl. Phys.) in 1994