Artifical intelligence
4 Subcategories
- Augmented Reality 1 Article
- Classification 7 Articles
- Machine Learning Models 3 Articles
- Training 2 Articles
18 Articles
- Adaptive driving models: non-technical
- Providing augmented reality overlays in the context of social networks based on geographic location: technical (but obvious)
- Providing targeted fulfilment of phone protection plan: non-technical
- Training distilled machine learning models: non-technical
- Translating text in images: non-technical
- Controlled training of a recommender system: technical
- Neural network based machine translation: non-technical
- Automated script grading: non-technical
- Sparsely connected neural network: non-technical
- Classification of search engine resources using deep learning: non-technical
- Scoring concept terms for online advertising using deep learning: non-technical
- Improving billing code accuracy with machine learning: non-technical
- Machine learning-based driver alertness detection: insufficiently disclosed
- Training of an artificial neural network: insufficiently disclosed
- Improving image classification by training a semantic classifier: technical
- Simulating pedestrian crowd movement: to be decided by the Enlarged Board of Appeal
- Classifying and linking data records: non-technical
- Classification of text documents: non-technical
Audio / video / image processing
3 Subcategories
- Mathematical methods 2 Articles
- Presentation of information 28 Articles
- Television systems 3 Articles
19 Articles
- Improving image quality based on user's preferences: non-technical
- Translating text in images: non-technical
- Providing an advance warning of the end of a commercial break: non-technical
- User-controlled playback of a tailored version of the recording: technical
- Viewing and recording program content: non-technical
- Mathematically determining a compensation for flexible screen based on the distortion experienced at an assumed viewing angle : technical
- Adjusting a camera position based on detecting a face of a user at the other end: technical
- Reliably detecting traffic violating vehicles: technical
- Measuring communication skills of crew members: non-technical
- Eliminating spurious or unstable candidates: technical
- Relationship between a user's comment and a specific viewable object: non-technical
- Cinematographic image interface: technical
- Identification of types of scenes of a sports game: non-technical
- Editing 3D content: non-technical
- Setting a proper confidence factor threshold in speech recognition: non-technical
- Image data arrangement: non-technical
- Mapping a voice request to the user who issued the request: technical
- Object detection in an augmented reality image: insufficiently disclosed
- Background music recognition in videos: technical
1 Subcategory
- Product configuration 1 Article
9 Articles
- Workflow rules controlling tasks and tags labelling the states of the tasks: non-technical
- Displaying inventory instructions on electronic price labels: non-technical
- Indicating the presence of a substance in an article: non-technical
- Method of reserving compartments: non-technical
- Identifying an overall suspicion level for a transaction: non-technical
- Integrated product configuration: non-technical
- Evaluating real estate: non-technical
- Self-controlling documentation for validated processes: non-technical
- Tracking SWAP derivatives transaction positions: non-technical
Business methods
92 Articles
- Blockchain generation method: non-technical
- Workflow rules controlling tasks and tags labelling the states of the tasks: non-technical
- Improving image quality based on user's preferences: non-technical
- Card transaction terminal: non-technical
- Routing reward messages based on a Bank Identification Number : non-technical
- Providing targeted fulfilment of phone protection plan: non-technical
- Managing content subscriptions: non-technical
- Mobile location-based task assignment: non-technical
- Proximity-dependent reminders: non-technical
- Method of reserving compartments: non-technical
- Automatic trading system with computer aided decision-methods: non-technical
- Ledger protocol to incentivise commerce: non-technical
- Accessing cookies from different domains: technical
- Travel time prediction: non-technical
- Controlled training of a recommender system: technical
- Extracting flight data: not technical
- Secure mobile payment method: technical
- Scheduling online sessions: non-technical
- Transaction amount: non-technical
- Securely Rendering Online Ads in a webpage: technical
- Accepting a transaction if information about it provided by a customer and a POS coincide within certain limits: non-technical
- Over the air provisioning of soft cards: non-technical
- Providing a digital asset to two user devices: non-technical
- Correlating media consumption of a user with demographic data: non-technical
- Identifying an overall suspicion level for a transaction: non-technical
- Redistribution of purchased event tickets: non-technical
- Labelling a package with cross-referenced information and using this information for retrieval: technical
- Managing a bid tracking database: non-technical
- Insurance-risk prediction: non-technical
- Routing an electronic message and ensuring its integrity : technical
- Facilitating exchange of information between parties in business launch centers: non-technical
- Avoiding redundant displaying of notifications: technical
- Authorising access to goods and/or services based on an access voucher: non-technical
- Classification of search engine resources using deep learning: non-technical
- Monitoring airport data and automation of cover payments in case of airport closures: non-technical
- Closed-circuit e-commerce entity with reduced load on server : technical
- Scoring concept terms for online advertising using deep learning: non-technical
- Automatic charging upon location based departure: non-technical
- Evaluating real estate: non-technical
- Including a video recording option in advertisements: non-technical
- Web service user experience without upfront storage expense: non-technical
- Estimating departure time: non-technical
- Providing an aggregated soft card: technical
- Present, advertise and promote paint and other coating products: non-technical
- Finding an alternative to placing packages in a mail room if no lockers were available: non-technical
- Managing the funding of catastrophe relief efforts: non-technical
- Damage cover and automated payment: non-technical
- Adjusting a credit according to a data file: non-technical
- Recording usage data for an industrial truck: non-technical
- Preventing payment in case of an incorrect amount entered by a customer: non-technical
- Selection of an available memory size: technical
- Simultaneously generating a winning outcome in game machines: non-technical
- Supporting multiple instances of the same payment application: technical
- Providing a real time broker quality indication of market trades: non-technical
- Guiding the user to a shop: non-technical
- Converting loyalty points based on a commonly used reference currency: non-technical
- Automatic selection of a marketing script: non-technical
- Predicting future acquisitions: non-technical
- Projection surface with built-in track pad: technical
- Not patentable to patent-eligible: Redesigning product based on user feedback - not technical, but Controlling the manufacture of a product - technical
- Software implementation of high security financial transaction with efficient network load: Technical
- Ensuring data integrity, facilitating centralized control of logistics plants and improving data exchange to other logistics plants: non-technical
- Querying a dedicated server to determine whether a mobile device is NFC enabled: Technical
- Method for determining comparability of service offers or products: non-technical
- Transmitting geographical risk rating to insurance company server to determine insurance cost on the server: technical
- An objective approach to the assessment of inventive step for computer-implemented inventions (RICOH case)
- Determining ranges of identifiers for items packed in a container: non-technical
- Determining the value of a collateral using an index value calculated based on an appraised quality/quantity of water: non-technical
- Estimating the availability of a person despite inaccurate calendar information: non-technical
- Necessity of stopping a suspicious vehicle: non-technical
- Determining the risk of losses for pricing a risk insurance: non-technical
- Providing different user interface functions to the sender and the recipient of a shipment: non-technical
- Internet platform for customizing pet food: non-technical
- Improving the quality of computer-generated exams: non-technical
- Withdrawing cash from an ATM via SMS without a banking card: technical but obvious
- Electronic voucher scheme: non-technical
- Digitalization of the distribution of product inserts: technical but obvious
- Scoring the competence of an organisation: non-technical
- Increased security when collecting and selling customer data: non-technical
- Trusted third party to secure online transactions: non-technical
- Providing a unique code for identifying product data: non-technical
- Charging for content consumption: non-technical
- Managing customer queues: non-technical
- Authorisation of access terminal rather than user: technical
- Tracking SWAP derivatives transaction positions: non-technical
- Improved risk-hedging in credit derivative trading: non-technical
- Matching unit comprising two computer entities directly connected to a shared memory storing pre-calculated values: technical
- Determining a reference reading from a load cell of a cash till: technical
- Programming a currency tester: technical
- Checking consistency and completeness of selection conditions: technical
- Methods which use technical means are patent-eligible
Computer games
10 Articles
- Scheduling online sessions: non-technical
- Flight simulators: partly technical
- Implementing a game tournament: non-technical
- Simultaneously generating a winning outcome in game machines: non-technical
- Controlling an avatar: non-technical
- Centralized vs. distributed gaming system: technical (but obvious)
- Functional implementation of a lottery game: non-technical
- Controlling location-based functionality of a gaming device: technical
- Customizing a shared online environment: non-technical
- Improving functional quality of the graphical layout of a video game: technical
Data retrieval
1 Subcategory
- Vehicle data 3 Articles
23 Articles
- Storing and retrieving biomedical information: non-technical
- Displaying inventory instructions on electronic price labels: non-technical
- Managing cached search result: technical
- Extracting flight data: not technical
- Search in internet and personal notes: non-technical
- Handling data requests on database using improved update indicator: technical
- Activating a storage's "power up in standby mode" depending on the host's power savings mode: technical
- Evaluation of vehicle driving skills- non-technical, but, assisting driver to enhance the vehicle driving skills: technical
- Transferring content stored on remote terminals: non-technical
- Collection, analysis and transmission of data related to patient movements: non-technical
- Registering at an interface to receive relevant data for performing a task: non-technical
- Summarizing unformatted documents: non-technical
- Indexing information for a search engine: technical
- Text classification: non-technical
- Automatically generating a list of expressions semantically related to an input linguistic expression: non-technical
- Retrieving documents from a database using a normalized symbol: non-technical
- Multidimensional data structure with a hierarchy of levels for each dimension: technical
- Sorting review information in priority order: non-technical
- Generated metadata file for OLAP tools: non-technical
- Conducting internet search from an instant messenger: non-technical
- Showing browsing options depending on number of search results: non-technical
- Scoring search engine results based on history data: non-technical
- Improving Internet search results: probably technical if reliably achieved
Database systems
23 Articles
- Storing and retrieving biomedical information: non-technical
- Managing cached search result: technical
- Identifying an application type of unknown data: non-technical
- Providing education service based on knowledge units: not technical
- Handling data requests on database using improved update indicator: technical
- Linking place information based on position: non-technical
- Checking whether a resource is likely to be available when a corresponding request is serviced: non-technical
- Efficient database transaction processing: technical
- Implementing the execution of a database view query: technical
- Using history data for predicting the future workload of a tiered storage system: technical
- Generation of database queries from database independent selection conditions: technical
- Mapping natural language text input to elements of a social-graph database: non-technical
- Recommending a shooting spot where a particular image can be taken: non-technical
- Generated metadata file for OLAP tools: non-technical
- Persisting database objects: technical
- Cost-based optimisation of a query in a relational database system: technical
- Row-based selective auditing in an relational database system: technical
- Performing prediction of seat availability in a travel planning system: technical
- Database for sequences of time-stamped records: technical
- SQL language extensions for modifying columns in a single statement: technical
- Database and means for building structured queries: technical
- A central database for recording a status and an archive store for recording the status: technical
- Using a NoSQL data store and an RDBMS to provide performance improvement in a database system: technical
Distributed systems / Cloud computing
17 Articles
- Storing and retrieving biomedical information: non-technical
- Redistributing workload between active servers upon network change: technical
- Efficiently obtain a unique identifier of a virtual machine: technical
- Information distribution based on user preferences: non-technical
- Over the air provisioning of soft cards: non-technical
- Avoiding redundant displaying of notifications: technical
- Closed-circuit e-commerce entity with reduced load on server : technical
- Distribution of electronic assets with reduced load to the server: technical
- Dynamically enabling customized web content: non-technical
- Consolidated notification feed across multiple devices: non-technical
- An objective approach to the assessment of inventive step for computer-implemented inventions (RICOH case)
- Improving a mobile POS terminal in respect of the customers' security against fraudulent use of their sensitive information: technical
- Email filtering based on number of inappropriate URLs: non-technical
- Matching unit comprising two computer entities directly connected to a shared memory storing pre-calculated values: technical
- Method steps carried out by building management system: technical
- Group identifier for serverless group e-mails: technical
- Server load balancing based on mathematical calculations: technical
Graphical user interfaces
1 Subcategory
- Feedback 2 Articles
49 Articles
- Displaying an animation of coupling of list items: non-technical
- Lock screen: non-technical
- Displaying locations for aircraft landing: non-technical
- Designing a geometrical three-dimensional modeled object by offloading specific tasks to the GPU : technical
- Predictive Presentation: technical
- Coupling of list items on a screen: non-technical
- Concurrent event recognition on user interface: technical
- Translating text in images: non-technical
- Automatic trading system with computer aided decision-methods: non-technical
- Reminders on a mobile device: non-technical
- Input device with vibration parameters for providing a realistic sensation of operation: Technical
- Enhanced scrollbar: non-technical
- Improving touch input using proximity touch: Technical
- Selection of content with tap/hold/release gesture: Technical
- Evaluation of vehicle driving skills- non-technical, but, assisting driver to enhance the vehicle driving skills: technical
- Avoiding redundant displaying of notifications: technical
- Web service user experience without upfront storage expense: non-technical
- Present, advertise and promote paint and other coating products: non-technical
- Selective haptic feedback: technical
- Dynamically offering a user interface option on meeting certain conditions: technical
- E-mail read status indication: non-technical
- Determining visibility of content on web browser by indirect measurement: technical
- Disambiguation of text with an upper and lower case: Technical
- Three-dimensional motion graphic user interface (MGUI): non-technical
- Managing media in a network: non-technical
- Performing pre-operating assessment more efficiently and intuitively: non-technical
- Method of providing a user interface for controlling a system: Technical
- Auto-correction of text input: non-technical
- Server-based fonts to solve licensing issues: non-technical
- Zoom bounce-back effect on a touchscreen: technical
- Illustrations on a scale carrying cognitive content: technical
- Distributing rewards by assigning users to partial areas of an advertisement banner: technical
- Increasing user friendliness when incorporating a spreadsheet object into a word processing application document: technical
- Displaying a correct letter even if user input is imprecise: technical
- Projection effects in a 3D motion graphical user interface: non-technical
- Presenting clinical statistics to help identify previous similar medical cases: non-technical
- Displaying appointment requests and surrounding appointments in a mini-calendar format: non-technical
- Gesture-based information table transposition: non-technical
- Haptic feedback assisted text manipulation: technical
- Displaying medical information on a patient monitor: non-technical
- Animating a graphics icon by superimposing an image sequence on a static background: non-technical
- Providing a confirmation element: non-technical
- Unlocking a device by performing gestures on an unlock image: non-technical
- Improving information display on a display device of an aircraft: technical
- Displaying user interfaces more quickly by precomputing information: technical
- Displaying a bird's eye view map: technical
- Showing browsing options depending on number of search results: non-technical
- Data transfer in a clipboard format: technical
- Viewing two video clips simultaneously: technical
8 Articles
- Neural network based machine translation: non-technical
- Automated script grading: non-technical
- Approximate string matching: non-technical
- Measuring communication skills of crew members: non-technical
- Improving the classification of email content: non-technical
- Disambiguation of text with an upper and lower case: Technical
- Translation of a natural language into an abstract language: non-technical
- Email filtering based on number of inappropriate URLs: non-technical
5 Articles
- Displaying inventory instructions on electronic price labels: non-technical
- Rain-sensitive parcel delivering: non-technical
- Monitoring airport data and automation of cover payments in case of airport closures: non-technical
- Finding an alternative to placing packages in a mail room if no lockers were available: non-technical
8 Articles
- Generating (and displaying) further new data by an evaluation or interpretation of measurements: non-technical
- Accurate estimation of clinical parameter using two measured markers: technical
- Automatic association of medical elements: technical
- Generating maps of local activation times: not technical
- Planning a surgery using statistical shape model of the body part and incorporating surgery planning data: technical
- Reliable measure of the overall blood glucose variability: technical
- Displaying a medical workflow: non-technical
- Performing pre-operating assessment more efficiently and intuitively: non-technical
Mobile phones / Apps
11 Articles
- Providing augmented reality overlays in the context of social networks based on geographic location: technical (but obvious)
- Grouping of multiple objects: non-technical
- Information distribution based on user preferences: non-technical
- Reminders on a mobile device: non-technical
- Providing an aggregated soft card: technical
- Dynamically changing geo-fence for a device: technical
- Network-controlled SIM OTA Enabler: non-technical
- Displaying user interfaces more quickly by precomputing information: technical
- Method for calendar-based profile switching: non-technical
- Automatically uninstalling apps after trial phase: non-technical
- Only technical features can establish an inventive step (Comvik approach)
Modelling / Simulation
20 Articles
- Tracking containers: non-technical
- Increasing the robustness of a refinery by modelling: Technical
- Predicting travel time: non-technical
- Planning a surgery using statistical shape model of the body part and incorporating surgery planning data: technical
- Monitoring a manufacturing process in a textile plant: non-technical
- Customization of a piece of footwear based on physiological data: non-technical
- Pedestrian simulation: non-technical
- Flight simulators: partly technical
- Simulation of weldments: non-technical
- Determining a threshold of operational parameters of a nuclear reactor: technical
- Determining the risk of losses for pricing a risk insurance: non-technical
- Improved weather forecasting: non-technical
- Simulating the deployment of a 4G broadband service: non-technical
- Designing an optical system with certain mathematical properties: technical
- Simulating pedestrian crowd movement: to be decided by the Enlarged Board of Appeal
- Information modelling as such: non-technical
- Simulation methods serving an adequately defined technical purpose: technical
- CAD product data-model: non-technical
- Expert system for assessing patents: non-technical
- Programming, modelling, new programming languages: non-technical
Navigation systems
4 Articles
Payment systems
6 Articles
- Routing reward messages based on a Bank Identification Number : non-technical
- Secure mobile payment method: technical
- Method for cardless payment: technical
- Over the air provisioning of soft cards: non-technical
- Monitoring airport data and automation of cover payments in case of airport closures: non-technical
- Damage cover and automated payment: non-technical
Prediction systems
11 Articles
- Providing targeted fulfilment of phone protection plan: non-technical
- Predictive Presentation: technical
- Predicting a specific malfunction of a specific mechanical or electrical component based on specific parameters: technical
- Travel time prediction: non-technical
- Controlled training of a recommender system: technical
- Predicting travel time: non-technical
- Monitoring a manufacturing process in a textile plant: non-technical
- Reliable measure of the overall blood glucose variability: technical
- Setting a proper confidence factor threshold in speech recognition: non-technical
- Determining an analysis chronicle: non-technical
- Predicting the formation of mould fungi: technical
2 Subcategories
- Parallelization 3 Articles
- Web application 2 Articles
6 Articles
- Extracting flight data: not technical
- Providing education service based on knowledge units: not technical
- Approximate string matching: non-technical
- Generating a parallel computation graph: not technical
- Programming, modelling, new programming languages: non-technical
- Parallel processing constructs: non-technical
1 Subcategory
- Cryptography 1 Article
14 Articles
- Blockchain generation method: non-technical
- Managing content subscriptions: non-technical
- Accessing cookies from different domains: technical
- Method for cardless payment: technical
- Transferring content stored on remote terminals: non-technical
- Adjusting a credit according to a data file: non-technical
- Using file prevalence to inform aggressiveness of behavioral heuristics: non-technical
- Transmitting geographical risk rating to insurance company server to determine insurance cost on the server: technical
- Balancing user convenience and security when accessing electronic devices: technical
- Privacy protection by linking customer data with a key instead of personally identifiable information: non-technical
- Encrypting/decrypting audio data with reduced latency: technical
- De-identifying data for privacy reasons: non-technical
- Authenticating individuals based on liveness probability: non-technical
- Managing booting of secure devices with untrusted software: technical
8 Articles
- Calculating reference noise/vibration from simulation or offline test: technical
- Generating a chip design using simulation: non-technical
- Developing rod patterns in nuclear reactors based on a simulation: non-technical
- Monitoring a manufacturing process in a textile plant: non-technical
- Translating a predicted amount of electrical energy into fuel savings: non-technical
- Flight simulators: partly technical
- Optimized load management: technical
- Editing 3D content: non-technical
7 Articles
- Reminders on a mobile device: non-technical
- Estimating departure time: non-technical
- Publishing of addresses and programs: non-technical
- Dynamically offering a user interface option on meeting certain conditions: technical
- Software implementation of high security financial transaction with efficient network load: Technical
- Querying a dedicated server to determine whether a mobile device is NFC enabled: Technical
- Call routing matrix: technical
Text classification
6 Articles
- Classification of search engine resources using deep learning: non-technical
- Detecting street addresses in text: non-technical
- Improving the classification of email content: non-technical
- Disambiguation of text with an upper and lower case: Technical
- Text classification: non-technical
- Email filtering based on number of inappropriate URLs: non-technical
Web technology
10 Articles
- Accessing cookies from different domains: technical
- Extracting flight data: not technical
- Search in internet and personal notes: non-technical
- Securely Rendering Online Ads in a webpage: technical
- Correlating media consumption of a user with demographic data: non-technical
- Linking place information based on position: non-technical
- Classification of search engine resources using deep learning: non-technical
- Including a video recording option in advertisements: non-technical
- Web service user experience without upfront storage expense: non-technical
- Dynamically enabling customized web content: non-technical