Prinzregentenplatz 7
81675 Múnich
Teléfono: +49 89 928 05-0
Correo electrónico: gabriela.troeger(at)bardehle.de

The firm’s real success story has been the steady flow of litigation clients across a wide technical spectrum over many years, the majority of whom are also advised on patent prosecution.
JUVE Patent
Bardehle has used its market leadership in Germany to make a charge on other European markets and the UPC.
JUVE Patent
As a pure IP firm that has internalised the mixed approach like few other German IP firms, Bardehle is a market leader for patent disputes on the lawyer and patent attorney side alike.
JUVE Patent
This mixed IP firm is a market leader for both patent litigation and patent prosecution.
JUVE Patent, 2020
The firm does play in the top league […] when it comes to mobile communications and FRAND suits. The litigation team easily manages the balancing act between representing NPEs […] and mobile communications manufacturers […]. In addition, few other firms are as well represented in connected cars suits as BP.
JUVE Patent, 2020
For years, Bardehle Pagenberg has been appearing in proceedings with teams of patent attorneys and lawyers more successfully and consistently than nearly all other mixed firms […].
JUVE Patent, 2020
Extensive activity in trademarks and unfair competition and technical protection rights. Filing on a broad technical spectrum. Much litigation, coordination and strategic advice on licences as well as antitrust.
JUVE Patent, 2020
[…] the firm has an excellent reputation in the US, with clients from the semiconductor and mobile phone industries using the firm for patent prosecution.
JUVE Patent, 2019
El bufete —considerado uno de los despachos líderes en materia de derecho de patentes, sobre todo en virtud de su sólida presencia en los procedimientos— ha vuelto a estar presente últimamente en numerosos procesos [...] Bardehle se enfrenta a la creciente competencia por su sólida clientela en Estados Unidos por parte de los bufetes británicos con confianza en sí mismo y con intensos contactos en la industria estadounidense.
A strong team – strategic, thoughtful and capable of handling complex cases involving multiple jurisdictions and complicated technology.
The Legal 500
Bardehle is a very strong law firm [...] They are innovators and thought leaders when it comes to patent litigation in Europe.
The Legal 500
Bardehle Pagenberg is noted for its broad sector expertise alongside its in-depth knowledge of the development of application strategies for patents and designs as well as its capabilities representing clients in opposition proceedings before the European Patent Office and the German Patent and Trade Mark Office.
The Legal 500, 2020
Bardehle Pagenberg acts for a strong roster of international clients alongside German companies and SMEs. The team's particular strength lies in telecommunications, software and electronics disputes but the team also has a strong profile for mechanical engineering, automotive, medical device and pharmaceutical sector work.
The Legal 500, 2020
Bardehle Pagenberg handles the full spectrum of trade mark and competition law with a specialism in the management and development of international trade mark portfolios.
The Legal 500, 2020
The patent lawyers of Bardehle Pagenberg are technical experts, which is crucial within the patent-prosecution sector. Furthermore, they deal with all mandates, even those concerning dispute resolutions, pragmatically and business-orientated.
The Legal 500, 2020
El ›excelente‹ equipo de Múnich, dirigido por el abogado doblemente cualificado en derecho y especialista en patentes, Johannes Heselberger, recibe una buena valoración por su ›honesta y pragmática evaluación de riesgos, teniendo en cuenta todos los aspectos jurídicos, técnicos y económicos‹.
Thanks to its experience in complex cross-border matters, the practice is particularly popular with large international corporations, but also attracts German medium-sized and smaller companies as well as start-ups.
The Legal 500
The team is extremely competent, advises very pragmatically and customer-oriented and always with the overall goal in mind.
The Legal 500
The lawyers provide clear, concise and actionable advice while keeping the commercial perspective in mind. The result for the client is optimized and not the hourly rate.
The Legal 500
Bardehle Pagenberg is our law firm of choice for complex patent litigation in Germany. They navigate us confidently through infringement and nullity proceedings conducted in Germany and combine their experience before the judiciary with an in-depth understanding of our business and our technologies.
The Legal 500
El bufete de especialistas 'de primer nivel' en derecho y patentes, Bardehle Pagenberg, se considera un ‘ejemplo de buena colaboración entre bufete y cliente’. Con unos «exhaustivos conocimientos sectoriales», el equipo cubre toda la gama de áreas técnicas, si bien sus puntos fuertes de 'asesoramiento pragmático y leal' radican … en la ingeniería industrial y electrónica y en la TI. […] La experiencia recopilada por el bufete en litigios relacionados con el derecho de patentes es una de sus principales fortalezas.
The firm is exceptional at ably and responsibly handling complex and sophisticated patent matters with significant business value at risk.
Chambers Global
Clients say: ›Their service is simply excellent. They are highly professional, quick, always very detailed and go the extra mile.‹
Chambers Global
Clients consider the firm's broad IP coverage through both patent attorneys and attorneys-at-law to be a key strength. ›The dual contingent is very helpful in discussions for infringement matters and facilitates the strategic aspects.‹
Chambers, 2020
They are good at giving advice on how to negotiate and how to consider business issues. They have demonstrated a very good feel for the mixture of business and legal issues.
Chambers, 2020
Sólido bufete especializado en materia de Propiedad Intelectual, muy prestigioso en el ámbito de las patentes, acciones judiciales y marcas comerciales. Representa a varios de sus clientes corporativos en todas las instancias, a escala nacional e internacional. Ofrece un equipo de procesamiento especializado en casos de gran dificultad técnica y en procesamientos de patentes relacionados con la nanotecnología, biotecnología y física de semiconductores. Proporciona servicios de asesoramiento a varias marcas de prestigio sobre sus carteras de marcas comerciales y sobre la legislación en materia de diseño.
Son un referente para otras empresas. Los abogados son analíticos y detallistas; sus consejos son fruto de profundas reflexiones.Desde el punto de vista de los litigios, es impresionante la manera en que se preparan y defienden los casos.
forman un equipo fuerte y perspicaz.
Bardehle Pagenberg has a strong IP practice [in trademarks] in Germany. The firm won Managing IP's Firm of the Year (2019) award for designs.
IP Stars, 2020
Bardehle Pagenberg has experienced patent specialists to handle work in a range of technical fields, including telecommunications, software, electronics and mechanical engineering. Its patent attorneys and lawyers collaborate effectively on litigation. The firm is one of the most active in nullity and infringement proceedings in the German courts.
IP Stars, 2020
Declaraciones de un cliente: ›El servicio de Bardehle es simplemente extraordinario. Ofrecen asesoramiento de la mejor calidad en el momento apropiado.‹ Otro cliente señala que la empresa trata los asuntos de sus clientes con honestidad y un alto nivel de detalle y creatividad.
Bardehle Pagenberg is one of the leading IP firms in Europe with a very strong IP litigation arm. The general insights gained through litigation are transferred into their drafting, prosecution and opinion practice.
Managing IP
Very highly qualified people who are proactive in their work.
Managing IP
Bardehle fights for the client
Managing IP
We appreciate BARDEHLE PAGENBERG since many years for being smart, proactive and loyal. We get advice customized to our business model just as we need it. It’s a great team that can read between the lines.
Managing IP
›Bardehle Pagenberg lleva todos nuestros asuntos de patentes en Alemania: desde el soporte para conseguir autorizaciones, incluyendo la redacción y la presentación de escritos, hasta la acción judicial. También llevan los litigios y nos ayudan con los contratos, además de realizar algunos trabajos relacionados con las marcas comerciales. La empresa nos ofrece el mejor y más honesto asesoramiento, un alto nivel de detalle y creatividad y una calidad excelente por lo que pagamos‹, afirma uno de sus clientes.
Known for the speed and efficiency of its advice, the deft handling of strategic and contentious mandates, and the strength of its international network, the firm meets and exceeds clients’ expectations at every juncture.
WTR 1000, The World's Leading Trademark Professionals
An elite German firm that can ably address all trademark needs – from registration to disputes and licensing – Bardehle Pagenberg has provided a superior service defined by its strategic focus for over four decades now.
WTR 1000, The World's Leading Trademark Professionals
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG is en route to becoming a premier choice in Europe for strategic trademark work. […] BARDEHLE hits the very highest levels of service – and maintains them.
WTR 1000, 2020
The German division has been renowned as one of the country’s finest for many years now, and the French and Spanish offerings are rapidly gaining visibility and recognition for their inmost quality.
WTR 1000, 2020
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG SELAS applies the considerable resources at its disposal with intelligence and commerciality, fulfilling patrons’ every wish through its attention to detail, wide-ranging international links and ability to translate knowledge into efficient service.
WTR 1000, 2020
La oferta de marcas comerciales de la A a la Z de Bardehle Pagenberg cubre todos los ámbitos, desde las acreditaciones y acciones judiciales hasta las acciones de cumplimiento, tanto a escala nacional como internacional, ofreciendo un convincente todo-en-uno. Las marcas comerciales comunitarias y los registros con arreglo al Protocolo de Madrid son una de las especialidades de sus cosmopolitas abogados.
Los abogados con mentalidad empresarial de la sociedad BARDEHLE PAGENBERG están ›altamente cualificados para asesorar a empresas privadas en relación a sus expectativas comerciales y para proporcionar las respuestas adecuadas en el momento preciso. Su consejo es claro, pragmático y orientado a alcanzar soluciones. Con ellos nunca te sientes desamparado: sabes que, en los casos realmente críticos, siempre tendrás al mejor equipo a tu lado‹.
BARDEHLE PAGENBERG’s are the digits dialed up by clients of all stripes when facing patent prosecution, infringement and transactions emergencies.
IAM 1000, 2020
Even competitors admit: ›If you have an urgent case, they’re always available. They work very hard and can act very quickly.‹
IAM 1000, 2020
[…] the firm is a favourite of corporations from across Europe, the United States and Asia, in particular within the telecoms, software and electronics spheres; domestic corporates and SMEs that have become world leaders in their fields also feature prominently on the roster.
IAM 1000, 2020
The 360-degree patent offering at BARDEHLE PAGENBERG is among Germany’s very best. From its top-notch litigation practice through its technically masterful prosecution and competent handling of the highest-value transactions, the outfit can do it all.
IAM 1000, The World’s Leading Patent Professionals
For infringement proceedings, clients call them a ›standout firm in the German market. They have the capacity to provide sufficient resources for very large cases. It is a top litigation firm and likely to be prominent at the UPC.‹
IAM 1000, The World’s Leading Patent Professionals
For more than four decades, Bardehle Pagenberg has dominated the German patent scene, combining the skills of patent attorneys and attorneys-at-law to provide a 360-degree offering to its global clientele. ›Not only is Bardehle highly capable in the technical patent and litigation aspects of a case, but the team also very quickly gains a good understanding of the commercial aspects of a business, enabling it to help with strategic decision-making.‹
IAM 1000, The World’s Leading Patent Professionals
Bardehle Pagenberg is one of the top patent litigation firms in Europe. Its lawyers are extremely knowledgeable and capable, and their grasp of both the legal and technical issues is extraordinary. The good business sense they bring to the table is invaluable; their communications are consistently timely; and they are open to discussing new ideas and impress with their strategic thinking.
IAM 1000, The World’s Leading Patent Professionals
It is a favourite among multinationals, thanks to its geographical reach and impressive bench strength: it plays host to more than 220 ›reliable and responsive” professionals across four European countries, and adopts a holistic approach to patent protection.‹
IAM 1000, The World’s Leading Patent Professionals