Anna Giedke

Dr. jur.

Anna Giedke specializes in patent infringement proceedings before the UPC and national courts and is experienced with patent-related antitrust and contractual matters.

Anna represents leading international and national companies (plaintiffs and defendants) in mostly multi-national cases featuring parallel proceedings in the U.S., Asia, or the European Union.

Her technological focus is multifaceted, covering semiconductor technology, telecommunications, information and computer technology, medical engineering, different types of consumer products (mechanical, hygiene or electronic), life sciences and the automotive industry as a whole (connected cars, electric vehicles). With regard to her contractual practice, Anna focuses on FRAND negotiations, R&D and TT contract design and contract management, and the relevant (EU) antitrust laws.

Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwältin), UPC Representative, Partner*

Location: Munich

Languages: German, English, French

+49 89 9 28 05-0


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As a patent litigator and IP contract consultant I like the interplay between law and science and the versatility of my job: You can be tough in court - when necessary -, or passionate when developing arguments, clear and concise when giving advice and creative in finding tailor-made solutions for your clients.



Heft 1, 2025, WuW1469742, Neues zum FRAND Dance, Anmerkung zu den FRAND-Entscheidungen von OLG München und der UPC-Lokalkammer Mannheim

WuW 2023, 67-73, Dr. jur. Anna Giedke / Dr. jur. Marco Stief / Dipl. jur. Selina Stachowitz, Die Reform der Gruppenfreistellungsverordnungen – FuE- und Spezialisierungs-GVO 2023 [The reform of the Block Exemption Regulations - R&D and Specialization Block Exemption Regulation 2023]

GRUR 2022, 142: Müller-Stoy/Giedke/Große-Ophoff: Aktuelle Vernichtungsquoten im deutschen Patentnichtigkeitsverfahren [Current destruction rates in German patent nullity proceedings]

IT law commentary, chapter on Rom I and II (Regulations (EC) No 593/2008 and No 864/2007), 1st Edition 2020, Otto Schmidt Verlag

Münchener Kommentar zum Wettbewerbsrecht, Band 1, Kapitel zur FuE-GVO (VO (EU) 1217/2010), 3. Auflage 2020 [Münchener Kommentar on Competition Law, Volume 1, chapter on R&D-BER (Regulation (EU) 1217/2010), 3rd Edition 2020, C.H. Beck]

Herbert Utz Verlag, 2013, Cloud Computing: Eine wirtschaftsrechtliche Analyse mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Urheberrechts [Cloud Computing: A legal economic analysis with a particular consideration of copyright law]

CR 2013, 681 ff., Urheberrechtliche Fragen des Cloud Computings [German legal journal "computer and law": Copyright issues of Cloud Computing]

CR 2013, 608 ff., Cloud Computing – technische Hintergründe für die territorial gebundene rechtliche Analyse [German legal journal "computer and law": Cloud Computing – technical background for the legal analysis based on the principle of territoriality]

C.H. Beck Hart Nomos, 2017, Chrocziel/Kasolowsky/Whitener/Prinz zu Waldeck und Pyrmont, International Arbitration of Intellectual Property Disputes – A practitioner's Guide


Registration as a Representative before the UPC

2021 - Hoy

Partner of the firm

2018 - Hoy

Attorney-at-Law at BARDEHLE PAGENBERG in Munich, Germany

2017 - 2018

Principal Associate at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Munich, Germany, IP-DR

2013 - 2017

Associate at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Munich, Germany, IP-DR and IP/IT


Licensed to practice as an attorney-at-law

2011 - 2013

Ph.D. (Dr. iur) in Law (summa cum laude; faculty price) at Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, Germany (thesis: “Cloud Computing – a legal economic analysis with a particular consideration of copyright law”)

2011 - 2013

Ph.D. Scholarship holder at Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich, Germany


Second State Law Examination (bar admission exam)

2009 - 2011

Legal traineeship


First State Law Examination (degree-level qualification)

2002 - 2009

Studies of law in Passau, Germany, and at King’s College, London, UK