Axel B. Berger
Dr. rer. nat., Docteur, Dipl.-Biol.
As a patent attorney, Dr. Axel Berger specializes in the fields of life sciences and pharmaceuticals, particularly gene technology, biochemistry, cell biology, immunology, virology, pharmacology, and medical devices. His technical expertise is based not least on his many years of international research activities.
In addition to patent prosecution proceedings, Axel Berger’s professional practice includes defending and attacking patents in opposition proceedings. Another focus of his work is the enforcement and defense of IP rights in patent infringement and (parallel) nullity proceedings, both before the relevant German courts and before the Unified Patent Court (UPC).
German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative, Partner
Location: Munich
Languages: German, English, French
+49 89 928 05-0
As a biochemist, my focus is on chemistry, life-sciences and bio-tech. I am particularly fascinated to use my litigation experience in the drafting and prosecution of patent applications to obtain and assert patents with the broadest possible scope of protection.

German Chamber of Patent Attorneys, EPI, FICPI, LES
Registration as a Representative before the UPC
Partner of the firm
Patent Attorney at BARDEHLE PAGENBERG, Munich, Germany
Licensed to practice as a German Patent Attorney and European Trademark and Design Attorney
Patent law training at the German Patent and Trademark Office and the German Federal Patent Court
Patent law training at the Regional Court of Mannheim, Germany
Law for Patent Attorneys at the FernUniversität, Hagen, Germany
Patent Engineer and trainee Patent Attorney at BARDEHLE PAGENBERG, Munich, Germany
Research at the Institute of Biochemistry,Genetics and Microbiology at the University of Regensburg, Germany
Research associate at the Pasteur Institute, Dept. of Cell Biology and Infection, Paris, France
Ph.D. in Molecular Cell Biology and Biochemistry, specializing in epigenetic gene regulation mechanisms (Doctorat, Dr. rer. nat.) at Université Paris XI, France, and the University of Regensburg, Germany
Degree in Biology, specializing in molecular biology, cell biology and biochemistry (Dipl.-Biol.) from Heidelberg University, Germany (including studies at the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, Germany, and Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France)
Internships, including with the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Division of Molecular Genetics, Heidelberg, Germany