Patrick Daum

Dr. (Ph.D.), M.Sc. (Satellite Communications / Physics)

As a patent attorney, Patrick Daum is involved in patent prosecution as well as opposition proceedings to attack and defend patents in the areas of wireless communications (mobile communications), electrical engineering, aerospace technologies and mechanics. A further aspect of his work focusses on the enforcement of patents in litigation and nullity proceedings before German courts. Furthermore, Patrick Daum regularly prepares infringement and validity assessments for clients. 

He brings to the table an extensive technical know-how and research experience acquired at various academic institutions and applies this knowledge in the prosecution and enforcement proceedings in the respective areas of technology.

German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative, Partner*

Location: Düsseldorf

Languages: German, English, Dutch

+49 211 478 13-0


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Every idea starts with a first stroke. Your idea is a valuable asset which needs protection. To best protect your ideas, you need an experienced team of professionals. I am proud to be a lead member of our team, helping you obtain and enforce IP rights.

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Registration as a Representative before the UPC

2019 - today

Partner of the firm

2012 - today

Patent Attorney at BARDEHLE PAGENBERG, Düsseldorf, Germany


Professional training at the German Patent and Trademark Office and at the Federal Patent Court

2009 - 2011

Law for patent attorneys at the FernUniversität, Hagen, Germany

2008 - 2011

Patent Engineer at BARDEHLE PAGENBERG, Düsseldorf, Germany

2007 - 2008

System Administrator in the “Department of Communication Systems”, University of Lancaster

2005 - 2008

Scientific Collaborator at the “Department of Communication Systems”, University of Lancaster

2005 - 2008

PhD in Global MHD Simulations of Magnetospheric Phenomena at Lancaster University

2004 - 2005

Master’s degree (with distinction) in Satellite Communications and Space Environment at Lancaster University (awarded the Royal Chancellor’s Medal for Academic Excellency)

2001 - 2004

Bachelor’s degree (with honors) in Physics and Computer Science at the University of Osnabrück, Germany

1999 - 2000

Business Law at the University of Osnabrück, Germany