»We do not cover everything. But we are wherever we can contribute our qualities to your success. We are not everywhere. But we are wherever we generate real added value. We are well aware of the fact that some clients want a law firm that is at home in every country in the world. In all honesty, we would not want to offer this. Simply because you do not need it.

“Allrounders” have their weak points: Naturally, their quality is not equally high everywhere, and their business model is often based on internally sending clients to each other, meaning that battles for shares are the order of the day.

We, on the other hand, advise on the markets on which being active would make strategic sense for you – and we do so without a hidden agenda. We focus on selected locations in relevant countries where we guarantee the full BARDEHLE PAGENBERG quality.

And on an outstanding international network which has proven itself over the decades and is activated whenever you really need it. This enables us to achieve the perfect combination of clout and efficiency. For each client, we assemble a suitable team, be it on a national or international level.

Not only do we do this for major cases, but for numerous major cases in parallel. At the same time, we are small enough to guarantee that our partners will dedicate resources to where they are urgently needed.

We are convinced that this is exactly as it should be.«

Mathieu de Rooij