»Expertise is not an inborn quality. Expertise is a quality you build. And we create the best possible conditions for this.
Our IP Academy is a forum in which our prospective patent attorneys and lawyers can acquire in-depth theoretical and practical IP knowledge. While this forms our basic program, practice is where they actually learn to solve problems – right from the start. Intellectual rigor is only achieved by handling real cases and exchanging ideas and information across multiple disciplines. This is why we foster dialogue. For example, in the form of mutual briefings to familiarize our lawyers with the work of our patent attorneys and vice versa.
As a result, we grow every day – both individually and as a team. Some solutions are provided through experience. Some solutions come from youthful courage. Some problems require the pleading of a lawyer. Some are solved by a patent attorney taking the lead.
Knowing this as we do, we challenge each other and test our arguments. We do so by drawing on technical details, legal finesse, the latest insights from academia and the wealth of experience gained over many decades.
This is how we achieve the best strategy. And a unique perspective that ideally combines experience and know-how.«